0438 Refshaleøen

Competition proposal

Year: 2024
Location: Copenhagen, DK
Size: 80ha
Status: Shared 1st prize in open competition

Refshaleøen’s existing buildings are the cornerstone of the area’s identity. Their materiality, scale, proportions and locations bear witness to the area’s history and are important markers of the industrial heritage. Therefore, it is obviously important to preserve the special historical cultural traces.

This proposal builds on the vision of preserving and transforming all existing buildings and is a call to take the resource discussion a step further. Because before deciding what to preserve, transform, build and how, it’s important to get an overview of what we have – down to the element level.

The proposal is intended as a supplement to the existing resource screening, but with a special focus on the architectural potentials of the elements; an invitation to explore the huge range of resources and develop an architectural toolbox for the further process.

Read more about the competition here: Refshaleøen Competition